One-off, truly unique, music instruments

At Damn Strings, we craft with passion unique guitars, mini-amps, and effect pedals, using vintage materials, hand-made guitar necks, and exclusive enclosures designs.

Breaking free from conventions we embrace creativity and ingenuity to equip your life journey with soulful sonic companions.

The Blues Rider

A fully customized cigar-box Blues Rider guitar. From the style, the body and neck, a one-off instrument designed for you, and with you.

  • Body built around vintage enclosure
  • Design and decoration of your choice
  • Customized scale length and fret number
  • Pickups of your choice: single, humbucker

from € 599.99

The Mini Amp

A custom made, portable, battery powered, amp. Meant to free you up, and allow you to play your Blues Rider guitar anywhere you want.

  • Case built on vintage enclosure
  • Customized design and decoration
  • 5 Watt output
  • 9V battery powered

from €199.99

The Distortion

A ‘The Distortion’ pedal with customized artwork. The perfect complement for the Blues Rider, adding punch and character to your sound.

  • Effect pedal with custom artwork.
  • Enclosure color of your choice
  • Input/Output jack placement (sides,top)

from €299.99